Monday, July 18, 2016

Spirit of Nice..

I was, just yesterday, reminiscing of my days in southern France.  The smells of lavender and my desire to return there to see Young Livings Gardens.  I have spent a lot of time in the south of France specifically Nice. 

I first visited as a student on my EF 'Glories of France' tour with my high school.  I loved it.  I mean the Mediterranean is breathtaking.  The grey and black pebble beaches full of uninhibited people of all ages laughing, sunbathing, enjoying life. 

Nice is where the essence of vacation lives.  Relaxing, shopping, drinks, dancing, fun-loving French Riviera.  Then again when I was a student.  We shared so many great memories.  Some of my fondest memories of France are from Nice.  I spent time there again when I was teaching English in France and most recently when I traveled with students in 2014.   

 Nice never leaves you.  It leaves an everlasting impression.  It's hard to see someone have so much hate in their heart that they couldn't let the spirit and sun of Nice wash over them and wash away the hate.  

In light of recent events, I hope Nice can return to its former self, but I'm afraid it is forever changed.

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