Sunday, July 31, 2016

Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me

So I just came home from an amazing weekend camping and fishing on some of the clearest, most beautiful lakes in lake country Minnesota.  I love MN.  I've lived in other states and countries, but nothing brings a peaceful calm like spending time on Minnesota's lakes.  This time it was West Crooked Lake, Lake George and Mantrap Lake.  
Mantrap Lake, MN, one of the 10,000 Lakes here

The only not so calm thing about the evening on Mantrap was the horsefly that bit my ankle...multiple time.  Not sure why, but he only liked my left ankle.   I was so smart this time and brought some oils.  I put some neat (as in straight from the bottle, not neat-o) purification oil and lavender.  Didn't take long to sooth the pain.  And I was amazed that there was no red lump the next morning.  I get hit hard by horseflies and skeeters so Young Livings Purification is my new go to so I don't look like a 30-something with Chicken Pox or strange rashy disease.  TAKE AWAY:  Use Purification on Bug Bites =)

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