Thursday, July 14, 2016

Love of Lavender

I adore lavender.  And my mother doesn’t.  Somehow, she doesn’t love the smell of Lavender, never did, I so don’t remember it as a child.  Rose, old lady rose.  That’s the smell I remember.  And Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth.  

The first time I remember smelling lavender I was in high school on a trip to France and coincidentally Lisa, my up line, was on the same trip.  The Provence region is in southern France and the lavender fields are amazing.  It grows in perfectly planted rows in the rusty rocky soil. My dream would be to camp out in a lavender field. Like sleep out under the stars with the scent lulling me to sleep. What a peaceful kid free night's sleep that would be.

In the summer when the lavender is in bloom the smell hangs in the hot air.  Just enough sweetness with a hint of woody earthiness.   It makes me nostalgic and sleepy just thinking about it.  

I teach high school French which make me love it even more. I've been fortunate enough to travel to many parts of France. I lived there for two years and as a teacher I've lead student trips there. I now have a new goal. I want to visit Young Living Gardens in Simiane-La-Rotonde, France.

I want to see the seed-to-seal from start to finish with my own eyes and come on, it's FRANCE.

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