Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bath Bombs

So I used the bath bomb base to make a few varieties of bath bomb yesterday.  I really like the way they turned out for a first try.

FIRST:  Gather your ingredients.  They are easy to find items.  I ordered my citric acid off Amazon, but I know you can find it in a grocery store or big box store.  As for essential oil, I've not limited myself to one brand yet.  I personally use Young Living and Eden's Garden oils.  Pick the brand you have or with which you are comfortable.

NEXT: Before you start to create, you need to decide what recipe you are going to use.  I was home from work with a sick boy so I choose to make a soothing vapor rubesque bath bomb to help ease his cold symptoms.

Breathe Bombs

Breathe Bombs
5 drops peppermint, 5 drops eucalyptus, 5 drops lavender
**spearmint would be great too, I just don't have any.
**I'll add rosemary next time too.

Stress Away Bombs

Stress Away Bombs
20 drops Young Livings oil blend Stress Away (my personal favorite)

Bedtime Bath Bombs
15 drops lavender, 5 drops cedarwood


  • Don't add your liquid too quickly. The fizzing reaction will start. If it happens your mixture will start to expand and bubble.  You might end up with puffed muffin tops.  It's Ok.  It will stop as soon as they dry out.  
  • Put them in a dry spot.  Don't bake them or you'll end up with puffed very airy bath bombs.  If that's what you want, bake away.
  • Don't get them out of the mold until they are dry.  If they break apart, not a big deal you'll just have chunks.
  • Store in a cool dry place.  They will absorb moisture and stick together. 

  • They were super easy to make.  The hardest part was waiting until they dried. 
  • I really loved the feel of my skin after taking a bath using the stress away bombs.  The scent was strong enough, but not too strong.    
  • My son enjoyed the magic-disappearing-ball-thing-a-jig, his words, in his bath too.  He had an afternoon bath and really perked up afterwards.  He felt good enough to dance to Rock-N-Roll with his Daddy and Bro...which was taking place while I was 'trying' to relaxe.
  • I don't want to clean the tub.  The colors are not strong so they will not stain your tub, but the coconut oil left a slick residue in the tub, one of my least favorite things to clean. =(  I'll cut the oil a little bit next time and maybe using.
  • I don't have time to take a bath every night.

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