Saturday, September 17, 2016

Essential Rewards September 2016

Essential Rewards

So here's a new post series I plan to do with my Essential Rewards, a program designed by Young Living to auto ship the things you love monthly.  The great thing is though, you can change it every month so you can get new product, but at a reduced shipping fee and earn points/credit towards future orders.

Here's what I'd get if my ER meets a certain size.

Here's a look at what's on the list so far.  I have my ER order process at the end of the month, but you can change the date to whenever.

My two newbies are going to be:Christmas Spirit EO, Oil case, and KidScents toothpaste.
I'm excited to get more Stress Away....I'm out, =(, and the Thieves soap and dish soap are staples.

I'll update when I get and use the new products.  Maybe I'll add on a few things to get the bonuses.

Thieves Laundry Soap

I love Thieves more than lavender, if that is even possible.  I love diffusing the Thieves oil, but I also like all the Thieves products.  Here's a spotlight on the laundry soap and this stuff smells amazing.  

Here are some of my favorite uses besides the everyday laundry.

1. Bed wetting it takes the ammonia smell out of pjs, sheets and blanket.
2. Left-in the washing machine overnight...err..a really gets the mildewy stink out.
3. Towels..refreshes the guest towels before people stay over.
4. Pre-treatments..I put a little bit on the stain rub it in with a little water and let it sit for an hour or just let the load soak for a little bit before you run the cycle.
5. Carpet spot treatments..I've used it to clean stains in the carpet.

Who doesn't love free stuff.  Sign-up for a Young Living wholesale account,  purchase the premium starter kit, and get a free Thieves laundry soap.

Ready to Rock n' Enroll?

Questions, or ideas on how to use the Thieves Laundry Soap, send them our way.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Lavender on my lip..

Here I go again, talking about lavender.  Today and for the past few days I've been using it on a spot on my upper lip.  I'm 30-something and still get pimples every 'special time' of the month.  

Not pimples really, just one.  Every. Single. Time.  And they are the painful, just-under-the-skin, swollen, sore to the touch kind of pimple.  Anyways this month it's on my lip.  

I've been dabbing one drop of lavender 3 times a day on the spot and it seems to be speeding up the healing process. Yeah!

TAKE AWAY: Lavender will help those little pesky pimples make a speedy exit. 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me

So I just came home from an amazing weekend camping and fishing on some of the clearest, most beautiful lakes in lake country Minnesota.  I love MN.  I've lived in other states and countries, but nothing brings a peaceful calm like spending time on Minnesota's lakes.  This time it was West Crooked Lake, Lake George and Mantrap Lake.  
Mantrap Lake, MN, one of the 10,000 Lakes here

The only not so calm thing about the evening on Mantrap was the horsefly that bit my ankle...multiple time.  Not sure why, but he only liked my left ankle.   I was so smart this time and brought some oils.  I put some neat (as in straight from the bottle, not neat-o) purification oil and lavender.  Didn't take long to sooth the pain.  And I was amazed that there was no red lump the next morning.  I get hit hard by horseflies and skeeters so Young Livings Purification is my new go to so I don't look like a 30-something with Chicken Pox or strange rashy disease.  TAKE AWAY:  Use Purification on Bug Bites =)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lighten with Lemon..

The power of LEMON is great!    Today, I'm giving this Lemon Highlight Mist a try as I'm out slaving away in the hot sun...ok I've been reading my backlog of People magazines while my husband is working on the stone paver flower beds in the front.  In all fairness, today was the first day I spent time lounging in the sun.  It felt great! And, It really feels good whittling  down my stack of unread magazines.  It was cleaning. =)

On to my power of LEMON for the day.  I am blonde.  Like, scandinavian blonde.  I know that women spend A LOT of money getting my hair color.  I've been told by many stylists and was even snarked at by one when I said I've never died my hair.

The only thing I do every summer is use lemon water to accelerate the highlights that happen naturally by the sun.  Living in northern MN, I really only have 2 1/2 months of summer to soak up all the Vitamin D-Blonde-making goodness.

So today, I decided to try a new Lemon Highlight Mist using Lemon Essential Oil.

  • 1/2 cup water (I was thinking maybe coconut water or aloe water would be nice too, but didn't have any on hand.  Let me know if you try it)
  • Lemon Essential oil (let me know if you need help ordering)
  • Add 1 drop of lemon essential oil (1 drop of Lemon EO = roughly 1 tsp lemon juice) to your 1/2 cup of water. 
  • Add your mixture to a glass spray bottle.
  • Mist on your hair and enjoy the afternoon in the sun....Make sure to wear sunscreen too!
For additional support add some grapefruit (5 drops) and rosemary (2 drops). These oils provide nourishment for your hair.
Have you tried this Lemon Highlight Mist?  I'd love to know how it turned out for you.